Qui sommes-nous?
C’est maintenant sous la bannière des Enchères Champagne que le personnel de Lapointe & Champagne œuvre pour vous offrir une gamme diversifiée de ventes aux enchères. Avant tout, nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement notre ami Jean Lapointe pour nous avoir accompagné au cours de cette fabuleuse aventure que fût Lapointe & Champagne.
Outre les œuvres d’art, nous offrons maintenant des ventes d’objets de valeur et de collection tels que des montres, des pièces d’argenterie, des bijoux, de la monnaie et des vins entre autres.
Avec pour ambition de vous aider à acquérir la pièce maîtresse qui manque à votre collection, nous nous efforçons de composer les meilleurs encans afin de redistribuer le patrimoine aux collectionneurs qui sauront l’apprécier.

Notre expertise
Nous nous spécialisons dans la vente d’œuvres d’art et d’objets de collection. De la philatélie aux bijoux et montres, des antiquités aux grands vins, nos experts repoussent les limites des ventes aux enchères à Montréal.

Notre Mission
Notre mission est de remettre en circulation une partie de notre patrimoine et celui d’ailleurs. C’est dans cet esprit de respect mutuel, si cher aux Enchères Champagne, que nous sommes désireux de continuer d’échanger, de consigner et de partager avec notre clientèle et nos partenaires.
Commentaires de nos clients
Extremely polite, knowledgeable, professional and warm caring staff and owner. I have had many conversations with the owner, staff and a professional handling their coin auction and was amazed at the time they spent talking to me, it was something rarely experienced; so my questions were welcome and I felt like I was a long term buyer but I was very new. They do their own shipping and I have received my purchases, antiques pictures and silver, in perfect condition and perfect packing.
I highly recommend this auction to buy and sell as there is no other Auction in Quebec that provide greater friendly and very warm attention they give people who attend or show interest in their auction.
The selection of items they have to sell are equally outstanding and the Auctions in the past and future that are from the closed seminary contain many vast and interesting treasure that span thousands of years of decorative antiques and antiquities.
I have had a really bad week with other auction houses and talking to the people at Champagne Auctions today put faith in me that there are good people that care like the people that own and work in this auction.
They really made my day bright because they are such warm caring people and I only wish I lived in Montreal to talk in person to them and have a coffee! I will attend a auction in person this year at Champagne Auction!– C Ross